A break in the clouds

This first day of December started off heavy—stormy even.

I’ve recently watched the new Mister Rogers movie and a line from it keeps bubbling up in conversation. “If it’s mentionable, it’s manageable.” Meaning—if we lean into the toughest of challenges with communication—we can likely find a way forward or through.

A few hours later, there was a break in the clouds. I’d be giving Grace a lift to Music Hall. She’s in town for the 10th anniversary of Crafty Supermarket and staying at the Depot.

I marveled at all the dramatic clouds on the way back from downtown.

Once home, I felt a bit cloudy myself (who am I kidding, I was a little cloudy from the get go) and decided to tackle the home desk which had become a dumping ground over the year, with piles of paper, stacks of boxes and the tiniest layer of dust.

I started making orderly stacks and unearthed pieces to a personal project that was the foundation of a gift to friends—a pattern of felt letters spelling the word RALLY.

And just like that, I decided to heed the definition.

My desk isn’t entirely oraganized, but my tub is spotless, bedroom clean and I filled 6 boxes of things to donate.

Rally indeed.