The first day of the tour

First stop was technically Chicago, but only for a few hours.
There I met up with the first of 6 other travelmates, Todd.
He helped me sort out a baggage issue and we shared a brew.

Then we arrived in Munich some 8 hours later. Me? A little worse for the wear.
Passed fields of rapeseed and checked into our hotel and met up with traveler #3, Temo.

There was food.


Horse Chestnut in bloom

A beer at the Hofbräuhaus, which was a lot more touristy than I remember.

Munich Frauenkirche

Münchner Stadtmuseum Eingang. (Type reminds me of the new Stedelijk identity)

An orange tiled subway
Munich subway station

And then jet lag got the best of us.
Time for bed, then an early flight to Donetsk in the morning.