Farm Day 18: Neuropaths


Since last year was skipped for reasons, the Duvalls came up with an entirely new concept to replace the mega-potluck / t-shirt-printing / farm-wandering-fest that Farm Day has grown to be.

In lieu of horse rides, llama petting, and a house filled with multiple dishes to suit every dietary need, they teamed up with friends to create 12 stations with puzzles to find your next destination covering 3 miles.

Upon arrival you were given a large map of the farm with a grid and a red Sharpie.

Each station had activities and a QR code if you needed an additional clue to get to the next stop.

If you made it to the end? You’d find Wendy and some goodies.

It was so far out and fun that even when potlucks are a thing again? I hope they add this new element to the mix.

Two women seated under a balloon arch
Mary and Wendy at the finish line
A family walking down a path away from a pond in autumn
The Magruders exit Thunderpants Pond
A family posing for someone else
The best part was crossing paths with friends, like the Elfers!
People solving puzzles
The Walsh / France crew tackle clue #3
A forlorn girl with two orange balloons
Clara is done