First stop, San Francisco

I think I’ve figured out my issue with San Francisco and California in general:

I want to spend silly amounts of time there… and have my car. I love my car and the freedom and joy of driving. It’s a good state for that, with lots of destinations. I could stay, and linger, and plan things and whatnot.

But for now, for this trip? It was business. The business of helping a friend get things in order, the business of another friend’s daughter getting married, and (fingers crossed), the business of meeting someone I’ve worked with for like, two years but never met.

But don’t think it was all business, I did manage to spend some time walking around, soaking in the light, and eating delicious food.

(Tree + Altima)

This tree covering is nature’s way of saying, ”Back off!”

(Sidenote: No rollovers below.)

This joint Plow in Potrero Hill is my new favorite place to eat breakfast on the planet. They are also makers of my new favorite hat. I’m sure I’ll take a snapshot at some point.

I didn’t win the Mega Millions super big jackpot.

At first I thought this sign was just funny, then I saw the little Recovery emblem and it was time for a click of the shutter.